Sumrin TristanSumrin Tristan
  (Photo by Ellen van Leeuwen)  
Born June 1st, 1976  
Owned by: Janet Menninga

Sumrin Tristan was born in 1976 in Lierop at Sumrin. He was the very first foal Tina gave birth to. It was quite a sunny day in the middle of the field, near a small tree. We still have photo's of the event at home.

As a foal, we showed him along with his mother. In the 1976 Regional show at Bavel, he won his class, where his mother won a supreme chamionship.

As we did not keep stallions at all in those days, my father decided to sell him to a collegue of his, just as a riding pony. One year later someone came to us and asked us what happened to that handsome colt. That man was Mr. van Zeeland. He decided to go and check him out. He was lucky, because Mr. van Hest had just decided to geld him. The deal was made quickly, Mr. van Hest bought a filly (Sumrin Smaragd by Leith Popover) and Tristan went to Mr. van Zeeland.

Sumrin Tristan Coed Coch Brodor Coed Coch Pryd Coed Coch Madog Coed Coch Seryddwr
Coed Coch Mefusen
Coed Coch Prydferth Coed Coch Glyndwr
Tan-y-Bwlch Pranchio
Coed Coch Siwan Coed Coch Madog Coed Coch Seryddwr
Coed Coch Mefusen
Coed Coch Seirian Bowdler Baron II
Coed Coch Serliw
Dyrin Tina Dyrin Martini Criban Bantam Bolgoed Shot Star
Criban Brenda
Cwmowen Nutshell Dyrin Athlete
Cwmowen Lady
Dyrin Grey Dawn Gaerstone Viscount Bowdler Blue Boy
Gaerstone Margaret
Orgwm Dawn Cui Chief
Orgwm Daydream

Sumrin Tristan was born in 1976 in Lierop at Sumrin. He was the very first foal Tina gave birth to. It was quite a sunny day in the middle of the field, near a small tree. We still have photo's of the event at home.

As a foal, we showed him along with his mother. In the 1976 Regional show at Bavel, he won his class, where his mother won a supreme chamionship.

As we did not keep stallions at all in those days, my father decided to sell him to a collegue of his, just as a riding pony. One year later someone came to us and asked us what happened to that handsome colt. That man was Mr. van Zeeland. He decided to go and check him out. He was lucky, because Mr. van Hest had just decided to geld him. The deal was made quickly, Mr. van Hest bought a filly (Sumrin Smaragd by Leith Popover) and Tristan went to Mr. van Zeeland.

In 1979, Tristan had to show up for the inspection. It was a recession time for stallions, and only 12 section A's appered for the licence. 4 got accepted. Tristan was placed third with a second premium, just behind his old stablemate, Sumrin Sunstar (second, with a first premium)

At the show, Tristan was sold to the north of the Netherlands, at that time a beginning area. Even today, we find many of the national qualifiers from that area going back to Tristan.

At the age of 10, he gained a licence for three years, based on his merits in breeding.

At the age of 13, they gave him a first premium for the first time. Tristan was sold immediately to Mr. Vrolijken. In 1991, Tristan transferred to the Valkenhof stud of Mr. Jan Steenblik.

From 1994-1997, he has been at stud with Mr. Noten.

From 1997 Until january 2000, he has stayed with Mr. van der Water of the Zonnekamp stud.

Since January 2000, Tristan stayed at Mr Gerrit and Mrs. Janet Menninga's stud of Welsh Mountain ponies. Tristan passed away in 2003

Most famous descendants of Sumrin Tristan are:

  • Coelenhage's Carmen out of Lange Voren Carola
  • Hieleen out of Moorland's Mapleleaf
  • Powerful's Shirly out of Maaskant's Brigitte
  • Eslandia's Annita out of Eslandia's Anneke
  • Eslandia's Janneke out of Eslandia's Sabine
  • Zuurseveld's Sylvia out of Vogelenzang's Honey
  • Zuurseveld's  Thea out of Vogelenzang's Honey
  • Waardhoeve's Tirion out of Sumrin Tsarina

Unfortunately, no sons of Tristan where ever offered for a license