Vechtzicht's Harmony

(Photo by Ellen van Leeuwen)
Breeder/owner: W. Dobber, Breukelen

Harmony needs little introduction for Welsh mountain pony breeders in Europe.  Please note that the Astrid mentioned in this pedigree is not the same as "our" Astrid. This one, was Mr Dobber's Astrid, the first Welsh Mountain pony they owned and Lightfeet was the first Welsh Mountain pony foal they bred. Twyford Pepper is a "preferent" stallion in the Netherlands. Harmony's full sister, Vechtzicht's Hylight, is champion of the Netherlands.

Harmony has achieved legendary status by siring four national champion mares: Vechtzicht's Heulwyn, Vechtzicht's Honey, Vechtzicht's Crystal and Vechtzicht's Helena.  Only one other stallion has sired two national section A champions, and that is his full sister's son Vechtzicht's Hylander. The picture above is taken from a brochure of the NWPCS. He sired five foals at Sumrin, Sumrin Toendra,Sumrin Tricia, Sumrin Trevor, Sumrin Thomas and Sumrin Turia.



Vechtzicht's Harmony Vechtzicht's Lightfeet Twyford Pepper Rowfant Possum Twyford Gurkha
Rowfant Primavera
Twyford Peri Twyford Gurkha
Mountain Pegi
Astrid Bywiog Lord Ted Bowdler Blighter
Bywiog Lady Tidd
Maesgwyn Cinders Pwllgwyn Titch
Greenacres Cinders
Springbourne Hyflyn Springbourne Caregan Revel Carreg Revel Chip
Revel Calypso
Belvoir Columbine Coed Coch Asa
Clan Crocus
Springbourne Hyfwyn Treharne Tomboy Treharne Reuben
Coed Coch Blodyn
Springbourne Hyfryd Revel Carefree
Cwmgarn Heidi